Five Months Old

The babies are five months old!

It’s still crazy around here, but things have calmed down in some ways. The babies are sleeping through the night. They go to bed between 730&8pm and we wake them for a quick bottle at 945pm or so, and then it’s right back to bed until 7-8am. Not bad! Here’s how we do their nighttime bottle:

Boppy pillows are so helpful! Naps are also improving. They are sleeping so much better. When they do wake up (damn that 45 minute intruder!) they have gotten better at putting themselves back to sleep. Yay! The biggest troublemaker is Hayden, who has been known to cry for quite some time, but only cries harder if I go in. Some days it’s so hard – listening to her cry is painful and not easy to tune out!
We’ve been doing more tummy time lately.

This was mainly for the girls, since the boys are on their tummies a lot in bed and can both roll over!

The second time we put her on her tummy, Emerson rolled over onto her back!

Hayden, as you can see, can hold up her head quite well, and will soon be rolling over too!

Thought I’d share some cute soapy baby photos too. That’s Brody, our happy baby. Brody smiles, even as he’s throwing up.

Hayden is growing into those cheeks! Her eyes are getting so blue. She’s also getting some more blond hair. Watch out boys!

Emerson is our little doll. She’s going to be so pretty! She’s always talking and smiling.

Deacon is our sweet, chill baby. He’s always so content, and so cute!! He’s got the most hair, with a funny cowlick. Love his gummy smiles!



Easton continues to perfect his awesomeness. He’s still obsessed with trains, and I’m getting super good at building Thomas tracks. Easton is a giant goofball, and there’s never a dull moment in my day!! (Sometimes I’d really like some though!) He’s a great big brother and is so helpful – a good role model for his siblings.
Brian and I are still hanging in there. We’re always figuring out ways to make things run a bit smoother, and ways to have a little time to ourselves! He is playing ice hockey and I’m playing soccer – things we agreed on from the start!! I’ve been able to get out with my friends, and we try to go out on a date once a month. Love those nights!
Things I’m looking forward to: starting solids hopefully in a month, the babies learning to sit up on their own, and more family outings!! Oh and this weather to go away because it would be so nice to get out of the house for walks!

Guest Blogging at the Honest Company

I’m so excited to be guest blogging at the Honest Company’s blog!  It was an honor for me to be asked to be a part of their family, because they’ve been such a big part of mine!  We use a number of their products over here, and love them all!

Here’s a link to my post, the first in a series over the course of the quads’ first year. I hope you enjoy it!

And while you’re over there, check out the Honest Company’s shop for a ton of great products!

What a Year It’s Been!!

Time to play some catch-up again…I’m such a blogging slacker! Well, the babies were four months old on the 21st!

Big Man Brody is definitely following in his big brother’s footsteps! He’s 24″ long and weighs 13lbs4ozs. That’s 25th percentile! He’s got big bear paws and the cutest smile. He’s a happy baby too; he’s always giggling and talking! Brody is very ticklish under his arms. He’s also rolling over from his belly to his back now.

Hayden is our smallest little one. She’s 23 1/2″ long (10th%) and weighs 11lbs4ozs (25th%). Hayden is pretty shrill when she needs your attention, but once she gets it, she’s all smiles and giggles! I love her cute happy face! She also talks with her mouth closed, and is working on rolling from her back to her belly.

Emerson is a little bigger than Hayden, weighing 11lbs8ozs (25th) and 24" long (25-50th). Everyone says how beautiful Em is, with her doll face. She's definitely the loudest of the bunch!! She's also quite a talker, cooing and smiling up a storm! Emerson is always moving too; she may be my future soccer player with all the kicking she does!

Deacon is our biggest grower, and wins the biggest head contest!! He weighs 12lbs6ozs and is 23 1/2″ long (both 10th percentile). He also has the most hair and looks like a little GQ preppy boy. He’s become so smiley too and is talking. Deacon is such a content little boy. He can roll over too!

Easton is one crazy little dude! He’s in the testing phase, but he’s so stinkin cute I just can’t stay mad at him. We have so much fun together. He likes tackling and roughhousing, and right now his favorite thing is trains!! He loves Thomas, and got two new train sets for Christmas! Lucky boy!




For me and Brian, life has gotten much easier!! The babies have been sleeping through the night, which is amazing. Now we put them to bed after their 7pm bottle and just wake them for a 10pm bottle. Then they’ll sleep until 7am or so! We may have to go in sometimes to fix a pacifier, but overall way better. Naps are getting better too. They (and by “they” I mean the girls) are learning to NOT wake up halfway through naps and wake their brothers up. It makes my days with all five much easier, and I actually get a few minutes to sit down and relax!!

Sisters ❤
It's still hard to get stuff done, though, and I feel like I may never get to my To Do list until they are 18, but that's just something I'll have to accept. Right now these five little angels are my priority, and I just want to be the best mommy I can be.



Emerson hanging with Pugasaurus

How the boys end up sleeping


This has been a whirlwind, roller coaster year for our family, and though it brought good things, I’m happy to kiss it goodbye! I’m looking forward to a 2014 filled with fun and funny moments with my wonderful husband and our five amazing kids. I’m looking forward to meeting milestones, celebrating birthdays and five years of marriage. I’m looking forward to more good times with family and friends! I love you all, and I’m so grateful to everyone who has made this journey so much easier for us, whether it was a visit or a prayer sent up for us, a gift for the babies or a gift of Starbuck’s for me. We could do it without you all, but it would be a hundred times harder, so a big thank you to everyone who makes my life even a tad easier.
As I sit here curled up on a recliner under a blanket with a Mike’s Hard Lemonade watching New Year’s Rockin Eve on tv, counting the minutes until I can hit the pillow, I want to wish you all joy and happiness in 2014. All good things! Happy New Year