The Quads are 3 Years Old!

I can’t believe we’ve survived another year. They are getting so big! The quads’ birthday was August 21st, but we went on a vacation (more about that later) and I’m trying to catch up!! So it’s been a busy year, but it gets better the older they get. Granted, we are doing potty training now with the little ones, so that’s it’s own challenge, but I wouldn’t go back in time. Not for a minute. The kids are all so different, with their own personalities and quirks, but they really are all great kids and we always get compliments on how well-behaved they are when we are out and about. That’s the best thing I could hear!!!

Brody is the class clown of the group.  He’s funny, sweet, cuddly and a flirt!  He’s   inches tall (75th percentile) and weighs   lbs (50th percentile).  He’s meeting all of his developmental milestones.  Brody loves to be like his big brother and will follow him around and copy him.  He really is so much like him, too.  I see so many similarities in looks and personality every day.  Brody makes me laugh so much, and gives the best hugs!!  Brody loves doing anything Easton is doing, but his favorite thing is dressing up like a superhero and fighting bad guys (like Daddy).

Hayden is our fashion plate, as you can tell.  She loves dressing up!  She is our second tallest, at   inches (75th percentile) and weighs  lbs (percentile).  She is such a sweetie pie, but also has that girl attitude!!  She loves cuddling with her Pappy, but most of all, she loves dancing!!  Any time there’s music on you can bet her foot will start tapping or her shoulders start bouncing.  She’s got some moves!!  Hayden is an adventurous eater, and loves most veggies and even will eat wasabi peas and other spicy foods!

Emerson is the tallest, and weighs the most!  She is  inches tall (95th percentile) and weighs lb (75th percentile).  Em is so smart.  She remembers everything you say and will use it appropriately later on.  She puts things together that we are so surprised to hear, like how did she know that??  It’s amazing.  She’s definitely an indoor girl, and prefers not to be outside, but inside playing or at church with Grammy.  She can be quite a handful, throwing tantrums when she doesn’t get her way!!  Emerson often has her blankie or a substitute around, with her thumb in her mouth while watching tv or when she’s tired.  She’s a silly girl who makes crazy faces and looks to get a laugh from everyone!

Deacon is our shortest, at  inches tall (50th percentile), and weighs lbs (50th percentile).  Perfectly average!  He is so cute, but he can be a little devil!!  He will completely ignore you when you tell him not to do something, or he will turn and give you a little smile while he continues to do it.  Deacon is talking so much more now; school was really great for him!  He has the best laugh and loves to play with his brothers and cuddle with his daddy.  Deacon has surfer dude looks, and mommy refuses to cut off his hair!!  Deacon loves tractors above all…driving them or watching videos of them!

Easton is my big guy, who’s just about to turn 5!!   Although he’s eligible for kindergarten, we’ve opted to keep him in preschool for another year so he will be older in his grade.  According to the charts, Easton is the average height of a 6 1/2 year old, and often gets mistaken for older than he is.  But he is still my first baby!  He is a silly goofball, hamming it up for the camera in his signature arms crossed, smirking pose.  He also loves to take burst shot selfies on my camera.  Easton is enjoying his siblings more and more, but loves to get them to do bad things.  Apparently that’s funny.  He’s still mommy’s boy, and I live for our cuddle times, which thankfully, still happen often.  E loves drawing and coloring, building with Legos and playing with cars.

So that’s a wrap on the latest update.  I will post more about their birthday celebration, and our vacation.  Life is crazy!