My little boy is getting so big!

Today I took my first-born, my Easton, to kindergarten orientation! I can’t believe it! I’m so excited for him to take his next step.

He’s been pretty apprehensive about going, and I didn’t know what to expect when we went this morning. The kids were going to the classrooms, while the parents went to the multi-purpose room. Some kids were crying, and there were some lengthy goodbyes. 

Not my kid though! My big boy heard his classroom called, gave me a hug, said, “bye mom!” And off he went down the hall by himself!  Rather than being upset at the lack of tears, I was so proud of my boy at that moment! I know he will be fine, and we’ve done our job of raising him to be secure and confident enough to part from us.

After an hour and a half we meet back up again and got to take a ride around town in a school bus! 

He was so excited!!!

He may be growing up, but he’ll always be my baby!

Five Times…

With tomorrow being Mother’s Day, I’ve been thinking a lot about being a mom. We had a bit of a journey creating our family, so I never want to take it for granted. But as much as I try, during the day to day chaos of this life, it’s hard to focus on the positive. 
Every day is a never-ending barrage of “mama!”, “I want” and the ever-popular “why?” I get it all. TIMES FIVE. That’s five times the “is it snack time?”, five times the tears and five times the sheer volume.  I spend a lot of days counting down to bedtime.

Then May rolls around, and the wonderful teachers at preschool help my children shower me with amazing art projects celebrating mommy.  

Then it hits me: I get FIVE TIMES the cards, FIVE TIMES the flowers, but more importantly, FIVE TIMES the love. Five times the hugs and kisses. Five times the cuddles. I listen to five times the giggles, and five times the best belly laughs ever.

And that makes me feel like the luckiest mom ever.

A Big City Adventure

I’m so happy to share Laurie Berkner’s newest music video, “Umbrella”. The reason I’m so excited about it is because my kids are in it!! Enjoy!!!

We had a fun and interesting trip to NYC to participate in this video! From greatly underestimating the commute into the city, to a screw-up with the parking garage, to navigating Chelsea Market with 5 kids, to being unprepared with the proper clothing colors…it was certainly a learning experience for these non-stage parents.

Overall, the kids had fun and we enjoyed our adventure! I think we’d do it again! Big thanks to Michelle Puskas and Take Flight Dance Center for including us in this fun, thanks to the crew at the YouTube Studios in NYC, and thanks to Laurie Berkner for letting us be a part of this and being so sweet to my children. We are all now fans for life!

Also, check out the rest of her videos on YouTube, and go buy her new album, Superhero!!