Can you believe they are 2 1/2 years old???

Ok so OBVIOUSLY I’m stellar on keeping up with New Year’s Resolutions.  I promised more regular posting, and have literally posted NOTHING.  Well, hopefully you will appreciate this then.  Always keep ’em wanting more, right??


So last month I took the quads to their 2 1/2 year doctor’s appointment.  Big brother Easton wanted to come too, so off we went.  This was a milestone – I took them all by myself!  We were in the midst (well, hopefully the tail end) of a stomach bug here in the Fee house, and Brian was down for the count, so it was all me.  Luckily, they all were really good listeners and held hands to walk from the van to the door to the doctor’s office.  Yay for progress!  Our pediatrician and the nurse expressed how impressed they were with how well-behaved the kids were.  Woohoo!!  They said they see a lot of bad behavior there so I’m patting myself on the back for doing something right!  The kids amused themselves with books, puzzle and snacks, and were really good there.  Thank goodness!

So here we go with what each of my lovebugs have been up to:

My girls are long and lean, with Emerson being the tallest of the bunch.  She is in the 90th percentile for height.  Emerson thankfully is off the seizure medication since September, and has had no issues!  Plus an added bonus was her behavior got so much better once we tapered off the med.  While on it, she cried a lot and was so high maintenance.  Once she was off, she became so much more happy, humorous and pleasant.  She was also more coordinated, although still a bit clumsy like her mom.  Emerson loves cudding and sitting with her favorite adults, and still enjoys reading books.  She makes funny faces and loves singing songs.  Emerson has a blanky attached to her most of the time, and is a thumb-sucker still.  Em is so smart and picks up on things so quickly.  It only takes one time of explaining something to her for her to remember it, and apply it appropriately later on.  She surprises me on a daily basis with her smarts!

Hayden is our sweetie pie.  She is a good sleeper, great eater and most of the time is pretty easy.  She has gotten a bit spoiled by getting her way a lot (don’t look at me!!!) so at times she can be pretty demanding and challenging if she doesn’t get her way, but overall she’s great.  She will go off in the playroom and amuse herself for a while, with or without her siblings.  Hayden is definitely Easton’s favorite because she can take his rough play!!  Hayden’s favorite, though, is pretty much any man, even strangers!  It seems like every where we go she finds a man to follow around and babble to, and will stay in his arms forever, just telling him where she wants him to take her.  A true princess! Brian’s a bit worried, but hopefully we can teach her about strangers when she’s a bit older 😉 Hayden loves to dance, and will tap her foot or bust a move to any beat, but especially loves 80s beats!  Hayden gives great hugs and is a big girl sleeping in a big girl bed now 🙂

Deacon is our shortest munchkin but he is solid!  And I remember I used to say that he didn’t have an evil bone in his body.  He was always the victim.  Well, not anymore!!!  He has quickly become my biggest pain!  He will purposely defy us with a smile on his face.  As cute as he is, when he tells me “no” with that smirk, it drives me crazy!!!  I wanted him to stand up for himself, but he went off the deep end lol.  When he’s not pushing buttons, though, he is an absolutely adorable, precious little boy.  He has amazing hair, still, that women would kill for, and lashes to match.  He’s got this button nose and sweet little mouth…we keep saying we are going to send out his pictures to be a model.  When he’s tired (like when Brody wakes him up) he is  the best cuddler and loves his grandmas.  Deacon has been the slowest to develop language, but is making steady progress.  Deacon has a great giggle and is fearless in the water when we take them swimming at the Y.  He’s definitely a wanderer, so we have to watch when he is outside!  He loves fixing things with Pappy and will follow him around all day “helping”.

Brody is the heaviest, though not quite the tallest.  He’s built like a football player, but has the arm of a baseball pitcher!  Brody is a clown, always laughing and being silly.  Though he does have his moments, he is generally a happy, sweet boy who loves to cuddle.  I won’t complain about that!!  The kid is like Houdini, though, and has broken through every child proof fence, gate and blockade we’ve installed!  It only takes a matter of time for him to figure something out, so we always have to have a backup ready.  It’s amazing!  He loves playing with his big brother Easton, and will do anything Easton does.  Brody has great language, and has so many facial expressions.  His smile truly lights up his whole face and his belly laugh is impossible not to laugh at!  His newest catch phrase is “I doin nuffin'”whenever you ask him what he’s doing or if you check in on him.  That usually means he is doing something wrong!!  But he can be very helpful also, gathering everyone’s shoes and jackets when it’s time to go somewhere.

Big Bro Easton is thankfully out of the “threenager” stage.  Not that we still don’t have our moments, but overall he’s become such a sweet, caring, loving, smart funny boy.  He is engaging with his siblings more and more, and telling them he loves them, which is so sweet to see.  Easton goes to school three mornings per week, and is learning to write.  He loves going (most of the time) and has made some good friends there.  Easton is super tall and thin…way off the charts for height and dropping in percentile for weight.  Go figure, right?  His current favorite thing (obsession, really) is Star Wars.  He builds TIE fighters, pretends there’s Imperial Walkers outside and plays Star Wars with Daddy.  We’re definitely a Star Wars family.

So, lately, we’ve either been super busy or super sick.  We’ve had a few stomach bugs and a couple colds, and as you can probably guess, things just get passed around and around the house.  It’s hard to fight!!  When we aren’t quarantined, we like to get the kids outside, to the Y (so Mommy and Daddy can exercise!) and our most favorite places, Walmart and Costco usually once a week.  We’re excited for the warmer weather to come, to be able to get outside and burn some energy off.


Also big news is that the quads started school!!!  Right now they go Monday-Thursday from 12:05-2:15pm.  There goes naptime, but it’s been great for them.  Hopefully we will adjust to the lack of nap, and the night waking/terrors and daytime crankiness with go away!  But by then, we will switch to the morning session, so then naptime will hopefully come right back.  They all seem to have a lot of fun at school and are learning so many things!!  Aside from a few tears, they all are adjusting well to this milestone.  I’m so proud of them!  And happy for some one-on-one time with Easton.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this update…hopefully you’ll hear from us again soon 😉