Happy Easter and 8 Months!

We had a wonderful Easter – much to my surprise.  Brian and I decided to pack up the kids and drive an hour and 45 minutes out to my parents’ house.  As I was making a packing list a few weeks ago, I was questioning our sanity in this decision.  It would be soooo much easier to just stay home and ask my parents to come here!  Then, the day before Easter, as I was packing, I kept thinking about how much I did not want to attempt this.  I was so stressed packing five bags, Bumbos for feeding, pack and plays and everything else we need over the course of a day with all of the kids.  On Easter morning, we had the usual chaos before we leave the house as a family: the last minute items to pack, dressing the babies, getting them in their car seats and into the car.  We made a stop at Dunkin Donuts and headed on our way.

It turns out we had an amazing day!  I had thought of and packed everything we would need (ok, ok I forgot a bag for dirty laundry) and my mom and I had coordinated the schedule ahead of time so we knew what would happen when.  The whole day went so smoothly, the kids ate and slept, and we had a nice visit and a nice holiday.  Here are pics of each of our crew, dressed in their Easter best.










Easton is happy with an excavator across the street!

We even took a walk, which quickly turned into a parade as my mom ran up and knocked on her friends’ doors to announce that the quads were here.  It was nice to show off the quads to those of you who follow my blog, and those of you who were so kind to send the babies gifts.

So what else are we up to lately?

Brody is on the move!  He is now just starting to crawl! Today, for the first time, he actually got his hands coordinated with his legs to get the forward motion. Before this, it was more of a military crawl mixed with the worm. Of course, we just put in laminate wood floors instead of the carpeting, so we made it more difficult, but he still manages!  Brody also has two teeth, and it looks like two more are about to pop through.  He is super interested in food, and loves almost anything we feed him.  If you are eating in front of him, watch out!  He will either grab your dish, or just stare at you as you eat.  I can’t wait until he’s able to eat what we eat.

Hayden is such a sweet girl! She is playing peek a boo now… she puts her hands over her face and then has a big smile when she takes them off! Her giggles are harder to come by, but so worth the effort! Hayden has gotten so strong at standing up now. We’ve been practicing! She loves eating, especially fruit with yogurt! She dives at the spoon! She’s also babbling, saying mamamama. Love it! When she lays on the changing table she nods her head smiling up at us, and she’ll stick out her tongue too. It’s so funny!

Emerson is still our most vocal little one! She will yell, babble and open/close her mouth like a fish!! It’s too funny! Her giggles are great too – she loves to play and laugh. She’s getting up on all fours now like Brody, and rocking back and forth. She also gets up into plank position, and will push herself backwards in Cobra position… she flies across the new floors! You turn your back, and she’s under the sofa! Emerson is a little pickier with her food, but like Hayden, she loves the fruit and yogurt.

Deacon is currently blowing raspberries all day! It’s so cute! I love when he is vocal, especially his giggles. He’s content to lay on the floor and play, but best of all, he wants to be played with! All it takes is a smile to make him happy. He’s turned into such a good eater, though it’s hard to get him to open his mouth up wide enough to get the spoon in! We had Cheerios for the first time yesterday, and he didn’t seem too crazy about them – he would shudder when I put them in his mouth, but he kept eating them! Deacon doesn’t have any teeth yet either, but they better come in soon! Brian and I are tired of walking across the house and upstairs multiple times in the night to give him Orajel!!

Big bro Easton is LOVING going to school – he asks to go almost every day. He is learning the routine there, and is great at following directions. He enjoys story time and art projects, but most of all he enjoys free play. Go figure! He is now able to get outside more since we’ve had some good weather, and that’s what he loves best. He’s Pappy’s sidekick when he’s working outside. I feel bad that I can’t get him outside more, but hopefully we’ll be able to venture out when it’s a little warmer with all five.

As for me and Brian, we are taking it all day by day, doing the best we can! Brian started in a new job which has been good and bad. Good is that his commute is cut in half, bad that his hours are more sporadic. It makes it hard to plan anything, so we’re adjusting. I’m busy planning the Quads’ Dedication ceremony, and trying to pack up and get ready to move some rooms around in this house. Never a dull moment!

I hope everyone had a good holiday!