I am amazing.


Sometimes I just need to tell myself that.  Tonight, as I finished out another long day of being a mom on my own (Brian was working late, don’t worry!!) I was coming upstairs and it just hit me.  I’m definitely stronger than I think and more capable.  I’m not the best or most perfect mom (far from it), but I’m doing a pretty good job, and it’s about time I believe that.  I just found a mantra repeating in my head as I went about my business this evening…

I am amazing because I did not completely lose my temper when the kids weren’t following directions.

I am amazing because I took the time to pet my outside kitties.

I am amazing because I remembered to start the dishwasher after loading it.

I am amazing because I gave my doggies a treat before saying goodnight to them.

I am amazing because I took the garbage out.

I am amazing because I did my exercises before I got ready for bed.

I am amazing because I am writing this blog post.  🙂

It’s the little things for me.  I am taking little steps to get through my days, and learning to celebrate accomplishing all the little tasks that add up to the big ones.

One more:  I am awesome because I am going in to comfort my crying boys instead of yell at them.

So take the time to think about it…why are you amazing?