6 is a Good Age

“Mom, I want to give this to Brody”, as he’s showing me his inventory in Minecraft. He’s pointing to an enchanted sword “that Brody needs.”

I could eat him up. I mean, he’s just so sweet he melts my heart. Easton, since turning 6, has just evolved into the greatest big brother ever! He shares with his brothers and sisters, lets them play in his room, kisses each one goodnight and helps them with stuff like their video games.

It isn’t always like that though …

There’s plenty of torture and tears. And tantrums. The “T” trifecta in our house.

But on the whole, he’s just really blossoming into this amazing boy!

(With a goofy smile here showing off his missing teeth)

I’m a lucky Mama (who he thankfully still loves to hug and cuddle with!) And so proud of my not-so-little boy. Some days I still can’t believe I had a hand in creating this awesome dude. Blows my mind!

Happy Halloween!

Hope you all had a fun Halloween! We had a busy day at Easton’s school, then back and forth to preschool. Then we had to wake up 2 sleepy kids to go trick- or-treating!

Mommy was prepared though…

(My special hot chocolate in my mug!)

The kids had a blast and got way too much candy! (I love you, house that leaves out a basket of toothbrushes! )

They did have to be reigned in and reminded of rules and politeness about halfway, but they were just so excited. More excited to ring doorbells than get candy because that’s what they cried over!

Overall they had an awesome Halloween and we hope you did too!